Bjørnar Karlsen Kivedal

Research Fellow II

Contact information:

Email: bjornark[at]

Research interests:

Housing economics, macroeconomics and climate economics

Personal webpage:

Bjørnar is a Postdoctoral Researcher at Housing Lab and an Associate Professor in Economics at Østfold University College. He obtained his Ph.D. in Economics from the Department of Economics at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in 2013.

His research is mainly focused on applied econometrics in macroeconomics, the housing market and climate economics.

Exploring the relationship between Airbnb and traditional accommodation for regional variations of tourism markets (with Birgit Leick, Mehtap Aldogan Eklund and  Evgueni. Vinogradov) Tourism Economics, forthcoming.

Tourism Development and Border Asymmetries: An Exploratory Analysis of Market-Driven Cross-Border Shopping Tourism (with Birgit Leick and Theo Schewe). Tourism Planning & Development, 2020, 18(6), pp. 673–698.

An agent-based modelling approach to housing market regulations and Airbnb-induced tourism. (with B. Leick and E. Vinogradov) Tourism Management, 2020, 77.

Digital entrepreneurs in the sharing economy: A case study on Airbnb and regional economic development in Norway. (with Birgit Leick and Mehtap Aldogan Eklund). In Strømmen-Bakhtiar, A., & Vinogradov, E. (1st ed.), The Impact of the Sharing Economy on Business and Society: Digital Transformation and the Rise of Platform Businesses (Ch 5, pp. 69-88). 2020.

Working papers

Behavioral changes and policy effects during Covid-19: Evidence from day-by-day sales and bid-by-bid auction logs in the housing market (with André K. Anundsen, Erling Røed Larsen and Leif Anders Thorsrud). Working Paper, 2020-3, Housing Lab.

Work in progress

Natural disasters, extreme weather and the housing market. Build back better and bail?’

Debt demand heterogeneity (with Erling Røed Larsen)

How big is your bubble? The impact of land restrictions on the formation and duration of house price bubbles. (with Knut Are Aastveit, André K. Anundsen and Erling Røed Larsen)

Social Housing Policy in Rental-Intensive and Owner-Intensive Tenure Structures” (with Trond Arne Borgersen)

The Environmental Kuznets Curve for CO2 emissions in the US and the I(2) cointegration model. Under review — revised version submitted