Cloé Garnache
Deputy Head and Professor

Research interests:
Housing economics, urban economics, behavioral economics, environmental economics, public economics .
Personal webpage:
Cloé joined Housing Lab in 2020. Prior to that, she was an Assistant Professor at the University of Oslo and an Assistant Professor at Michigan State University. She obtained her Ph.D. from the University of California, Davis in 2013.
Her research agenda concentrates on micro aspects of the housing markets, including the values of amenities, and the effect of zoning and risk perceptions on house prices. Recent research focuses on the intersection of real estate, behavioral finance, and environmental economics.
Demand-Side Management in Fully Electrified Homes (with Hernæs, Ø and Imenes, A.G.) Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists (forthcoming).
Efficiency Gains from Integrated Multipollutant Trading (with Reeling, C. and Horan, R.). Resource and Energy Economics, 2018, 52, pp. 124–136.
The Social Costs of Environmental Goods Provision: A Cautionary Guide to the Revealed-Preference Approach (with Mérel, P.R. ). Journal of the Association of Environmental and Resource Economists, 2017, 4(4), pp. 1025–1052.
The Social Costs of Second-Best Policies: Evidence from Agricultural GHG Mitigation (with C., Mérel, P.R., Lee, J., and Six, J.). Journal of Environmental Economics and Management, 2017, 82, pp. 39–73.
Solving the Phosphorus Pollution Puzzle: Synthesis and Directions for Future Research (with C., Swinton, S.M., Herriges, J.H., Lupi, F., and Stevenson, R.J.). American Journal of Agricultural Economics, 2016, 98(5), pp. 1334–1359.
Working papers
Does the Salience of Risk Affect Large, Risky Asset Purchases?
Differential Effects of Wildfires on Housing Prices: Do Risk Zones Convey Information to Homeowners? (with S. Tanner and F. Lupi)
Linking Markets to Improve Trading Program Participation and Performance (with C. Reeling and R. Horan)
Work in progress
Do Social Comparisons Nudge Conservation Effort? Evidence from a Randomized Control Trial (with J. Herriges and F. Lupi)
First or Second-Bidder Advantage in English Auctions? Evidence from Housing Auctions’ (with A.K. Anundsen and E. Røed Larsen)
Environmental Policy in General Equilibrium: The Choice of the Numeraire Matters’ (with P. Mérel)