Jeanette Fjære-Lindkjenn
Ph.D. Candidate
Research interests:
Housing, macroprudential policy, macroeconomics, monetary policy
Jeanette is a Ph.D. Candidate at Housing Lab. Before joining Housing Lab she worked as a macroeconomist at DNB Markets and as an economist at Norges Bank and she was a member of the Monetary Policy and Financial Stability Committee at Norges Bank from 2020-2023 . She obtained her Master in Economics and Econometrics at the University of Oslo in 2014.
She will mainly work on topics related to the housing market, macroprudential policy, monetary policy and macroeconomics.
Hvordan virker utlånsforskriften? En oppsummering av forskningslitteraturen Samfunnsøkonomen,
(2024-2): forthcoming, 2024, with K.A. Aastveit, M. Karlman, K. Kinnerud, R. Juelsrud and E. G.
Penger, sentralbankreserver og Norges Banks likviditetsstyringssystem. Samfunnsøkonomen, (2015-
5):38–49, 2015, with E. Aamodt, M.N. Lerbak and K. Tafjord.
Norges Bank Watch 2018 An independent Evaluation of Monetary Policy in Norway. Norges Bank
Watch Report Series at CME BI, 2018, with T. Sveen.
Working papers
From boom to bust: Predicting turning points in house prices based on deviations from fundamentals (with Nini Barth)
Work in progress
Limiting debt to income: Household adaptation and avoidance
The effect of restricting residential building in the inner city on house prices and home buyers (with Nini Barth)